Mr. J P Joshi
KG & Primary Section
“The capacity to learn is a gift; the ability to learn is a skill; the willingness to learn is a choice.”
– Brian Herbet
Children by nature are curious and inquisitive. They are full of energy and there is world waiting for them to explore. Today school needs to be workplace for channelizing this energy. In BHS we are committed to give that workplace and ensure that every child seeks his/her full potential in peace-loving and harmonious environment.
‘To teach is to touch’, believing this philosophy we provide holistic education that caters to all field of life. Our campus is a testimony of this belief where academics, co-curricular activities, sports education and life-skills learning go side by side. With world becoming competitive day by day, preparing student to face those challenges is the need of hour. Our endeavour is to balance between skills and pure academics. The activities and event are thus related to fields of health, games, visual, performance, values, environment, personality and leadership along with hard core grammar, math concepts and science theories.
We plan to stock our students with appropriate skills and range of opportunities that would empowered them with the power to introspect and become great achievers in life. In short, we produce good human beings with empathy in their heart. We sensitizes them for the importance of clean and green surroundings, teach them to help the poor and the needy, up skill them to take essential decisions and instill in them the accountability of preserving life on this beautiful planet. Inclusion of Vocational education and ATL (Atal Tinkering Lab) into school’s time-table is a justification of our commitment for this holistic development of each and every child.
We thank parents and society for partnering with us in your child’s journey of enriched learning and we look forward to an empowered community which shares the same vision as ours!