Rules and Regulations

General Rules and Regulations

  • Pupils should be punctual to school. Late comers are liable to be sent home.
  • Pupils must attend the school in the prescribed uniform. They should be neatly, cleanly and tidily. No jewellery should be worn to school. Students are expected to behave perfectly and act with all staff members, parents, classmates, visitors and guests.
  • No pupil will be allowed to leave the school campus during the school hours or during recess
  • Pupils of the secondary & higher secondary must attend theory and practical classes regularly and should also attend all school functions without fail.
  • pupils are expected to attend the school regularly. 100% attendance is mandatory as per government Resolution No. 325/2004 dated 7″Feb 2005.
  • In case of sickness and under special circumstances Principal can grant 15% leave of the total no. of working days in the academic year.
  • No pupil is allowed to remain absent without prior permission. If however, a pupil be absent, a letter of excuse stating the reason for the absence should be sent to the school. In case of illness a medical certificate must be attached with the letter. Absence of one or two days must be misses a test or an examination will not be allowed to appear at a later date.
  • If the absence is justified the fact will be taken into account at the end of the year. Parents are requested not to send their child for examinations when the child is ill or suffering from a contagious disease or serious ailment.
  • No money collection for any purpose. whatsoever may be made in the school without the permission of the Principal.
  • Parents are requested not to give any gifts to the staff members without contacting the Principal.
  • School discourages private tuition. In particular and genuine cases, permission must be taken by the parents or guardian from the Principal, even if the person from whom the tuition is taken is not a member of the staff.
  • No permission will be given to extend vacation either before or after the holidays without any valid reason.
  • A pupil not having adequate attendance will not be allowed to appear for the annual examinations.
  • Irregularity in attending school, bunking classes, unexplained absence for a long period, repeated failures in test/exams, indulgence in violence, repeated defiance of school authorities and any conduct injurious to the moral tone of the school, are sufficient reasons to dismiss the student from school.
  • Formative assessment and Summative assessment are held according to the schedule informed by the school from time to time. The marks obtained in the unit test and examinations are considered for the aggregate which determines the promotion of the pupil to the higher class.

Admission Criteria

  • The school calendar should be a proud possession of the pupil. It should be carried to the school everyday. Day-to-Day assignments and submission dates should be noted in the diary.  
  • Every morning/afternoon, the warning bell is rung 5 minutes before the start of 0/1″‘ period is a signal for all students to go to their respective classrooms. This should be done properly and in silence.  
  • As soon as they are in their classes, students must get ready for the assembly / First Period. Change of class rooms / Going to Labs between/ during periods should be done in silence and in an orderly manner.  
  • No shouting or whistling is allowed in or around the school building.  
  • Running in corridors is strictly prohibited.  
  • Students should be habitually clean and always dressed neatly. The school uniform should be worn on all working days and for all school functions. Students who are not in proper uniform will not be allowed to enter their class rooms.  
  • Students should attend festivals and functions celebrated in the School. 
  • The school is your second home; so take special care of the school property & furniture.  
  • A pupil of Baroda High School/Baroda Lions School must distinguish himself / herself within or outside the school by his/her exemplary discipline and courteous behavior.  
  • No student should scratch or spoil desks or chairs or damage any school furniture or write or draw anything on the walls or in any way damage things belonging to others.  
  • Damage done even by accidents should be reported at once to the class teacher. Any damage done will be made good by the concerned student, together with a necessary fine imposed on him/her for such an offence.  
  • Any one who notices something damaged, should report the matter even if he or she does not know who has done it. 
  • No pupil will be allowed to leave the school premises or join school late during the school hours without prior permission of the Principal.  
  • Pupil should follow polite manners wherever they go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their teachers whenever and wherever they meet them.  
  • The school reserves the right to terminate any pupil(s) on roll with unsatisfactory progress or whose conduct is a bad precept for others.  
  • Exploding crackers or splashing colours during Diwali / Holi or any other occasion in the school premises is strictly forbidden. Non-compliance of these instructions can result in disciplinary action. 
  • Pupils are not allowed to bring any sharp instruments, valuables, electronic games. cellular phones etc. to the school.  
  • No book (other than text books or library books), magazine or paper may be brought to school without the class teacher’s permission.  
  • Lending or borrowing of money or other articles is not permitted.  
  • Pupils are warned not to buy or receive anything from anyone on their way home or to school 

Guidelines for the Parents

  • Please ensure that the school calendar  / App of your child is preserved carefully and used profitably.
  • Parents should check the calendar / App every day and note the homework and other instructions given.
  • They are advised to check the bags of their wards to see if any circular /notice /invitation etc. has been issued.
  • Parents are required to co-operate with the school in its attempt to help their child’s progress by paying attention to their regularity, punctuality and discipline and taking keen interest in their work.
  • Parents are required to inform in the school office if there is any change in their address and telephone numbers.
  • No half day leave should be asked for security reasons. In emergency, written permission must be taken from the Principal through the Class teacher.
  • Children when sick, should not be sent to school to attend classes. Children who are sick may miss the Formative assessment and Summative assessment on medical grounds.
  • Any communication made by the parent/guardian should be addressed to the Principal through the Class Teacher. The address and phone no., G.R. no., class and section should be clearly mentioned in the application.
  • Parents should sign the progress report sheet / book and return it to the school. If lost, a replacement will be made after the payment of the required fees to the Class Teacher / School Office.
  • Criticism of the school or teacher in the presence of a child should be avoided because it causes the students to lose respect for the school & the teachers. It hampers growth & progress of the child.
  • In case of a legitimate complaint, the parents must meet the Principal at the earliest. The complaint will be personally verified.
  • Parents are requested not to enter the classrooms or make telephone calls to contact their children or any other children or teachers during school hours.
  • Parents should meet the Teachers, Supervisor or Principal during the office timings or with prior appointment only.
  • Absence during the Working Days is not in the best interest of the student. They are asked not to apply for leave if avoidable. Leave can be granted to the student only under special circumstances for which prior permission should be taken from the Principal.
  • Parents must first consult the school calendar, date sheets and other circulars over School App before making enquires over the phone.