Ms. Priya Makhijani
KG & Primary Section
Dear All,
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”
Alvin Toffler
Today, the role of a school is to be in tune with the fast changes of the global society. Our goal is to empower our students to become “lifelong learners” and become productive citizens of our community and the world.
With this as our objective, we at Baroda High School ONGC, are striving to empower our students to develop their skills and potential by recognizing, encouraging and channelizing their talent in the right direction.
One such project we have taken up is to provide opportunities and resources under the umbrella of “LANGUAGE RESOURCE CENTER” to develop their communication skills and learn to express their ideas, beliefs, etc.
We have also introduced “TOD FOD JOD” to satisfy students curiosity and develop creativity and think out of the box.
One more project “SKILLS FOR ADOLESCENTS” has been started to help young adolescents understand themselves and accept changes in them.
We are also striving hard to make best possible efforts to inculcate the value of ‘SELF DISCIPLINE’ in our students which is the need of the hour to groom them to become caring, compassionate, responsible and accountable citizens of our world.
I pray that Baroda High School students will shine in every field they take up and will care for our nature and environment.